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When we lean into the big moments with clarity and courage, things can never stay the same — and that’s a great thing.


Change is hard — yet, we’re literally built for it.

I believe that every human has more agency and more capacity for change than they realize, but that fear or shame often get in the way.

My mission is to help coaching clients gain clarity and conviction on what they want, step forward with courage, and then celebrate that they did the thing.

Whether it’s a career transition, how you show up at home, or a big windmill you’ve been tilting at for years, my role as your coach is to witness, guide, and hold space for exploration.

As you remain engaged and committed to the client journey, you’ll not only make progress on your goals but you’ll also build the muscle for navigating big moments authentically and in alignment with your values.


Are you ready for your big moment?

Whether you already have one on the horizon or you’re itching to find one, here’s how we can work together to navigate the road ahead:

  • Standard coaching relationship | 3-6 months | An end-to-end engagement that includes getting clear on goals, building conviction, cultivating courage to act, and celebrating your outcomes.

  • ‘Two-shot’ | 3-4 hours | A pair of intensive sessions tailored to an already established goal with a focus on developing the high-level plan that will get you over the activation ‘hump’.

  • Other bespoke engagement | get in touch!

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