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What could you do with a Chief of Staff in your back pocket?


A great Chief of Staff can tackle any hairy problem

But not every team needs one around full-time — and when a Chief of Staff becomes the 24/7 fixer, it cultivates dependency that can let others off the hook. What if instead you could tap into the power of a Chief of Staff, but for a shorter period of time? Or for a more concentrated scope?

That’s where I’d like to come in and consult. I’ve had the privilege of working with teams across companies of all shapes and sizes; from early stage to publicly-traded, in slow growth and high growth — in other words, I’ve seen a lot.

As a consultant, my approach is shaped by the wisdom (and foibles) of those past experiences and a strong bent for human-centered systems thinking. My superpower is keeping teams oriented on their highest purpose and seeing the next challenge around the corner. Whatever the focus of the engagement, my goal is to pose generative questions, listen for the answers behind the answers, empower decision makers to move forward with confidence, and quickly outline where we want to go.


How I’d like to help you


Mapping the course

  • Planning | Designing an approach to planning that people may actually enjoy, from initial strategy refresh to meaningful OKRs and governance.

  • Qualitative Research | Exploring a line of inquiry from initial research design to execution; topics can be either internal or external to the company.

  • Roadmapping | Translating high level goals into tactics over time, including rhythms for retros, re-adjustments, and accountability.


Leverage for big moments

  • New Leaders | Helping new leaders find their footing and establish their style, from first-time managers to newly C-Suite.

  • Turnarounds & re-orgs | Mitigating the impacts of disruptive change and helping teams move through challenging dynamics

  • New teams | Facilitating the connection, trust-building, and identity formation needed to activate high-performing teams.


Do you have a Chief of Staff-shaped problem, but don’t have a Chief of Staff? Are you looking for a consultant-meets-coach for yourself or your team?

I’d love to hear more about what’s going on.

Let’s chat →